How to create a Job Seeker account on BrightMinds?

You can create an account by clicking on ‘Sign up’ at the top right of the BrightMinds homepage. Please ensure that you are not signing up as an Employer.

Click on ‘Sign up via Google’ or ‘Sign up with email’. 

Sign up via Google 

  1. Enter your Google email and password 
  2. Click on ‘Next’ and your account has been created

Sign up with email 

  1. Provide your email address 
  2. Provide your password (Requirements: Min. 8 Characters, Letters, 1 Number, 1 Special character) 
  3. Click on ‘Next’ and your account has been created

On the homepage on the left hand side you will see a button called ‘profile’, clicking on  this will take you to your jobseeker profile. 

Upon registering your profile is not visible to employers. 

You will need to click on the 'Make your profile visible and Get noticed faster’ to allow your CV to be searchable by employers.

Make sure to fill out your full name, home address, phone number and current job title. 

You can also see a profile picture, this is not visible to employers and is imported via your social media. Your profile picture cannot be removed at this time. 

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